a hott sexy athletic guy that can also sing good
and is sweet charming a one in a million
by fatpanda August 28, 2008
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Another term for the derrogatory world meaning black person.
An African American.
That vue is drinking some Kool-Aid and eating KFC.
by DaRealest1Out September 6, 2009
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A badass whip. The preferred vehicle for miniature blonde spies, Floridian babes and crunchy granola New England gals. A sex siren, basically.
Sally drives a Saturn Vue. Sally gets a lot of play.
by the mighty bee July 22, 2008
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Nathan vue has a fat cock and every girl wants to ride
omg is that big hot cum over Nathan vue
by dicklover69696869 May 5, 2022
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Man, have you been to Port Vue yet? It's the worst place on earth.
by lalalalalalalalalala.<3 May 10, 2011
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A Mom's car. Often used to transport children to and from soccer and or softball practices.
Ben: Billy, how are you getting to soccer practice today?

Billy: Oh, my mom's taking me in her Saturn VUE.
by Kara Lcad July 11, 2008
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A very pleasant name or maybe it is just a fancy way to write View, but They are pretty either way. They probably thought about killing themselves a lot, though.
Vue is so fetch.
by AveryObsessiveWoman November 22, 2021
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