virginia tech

I just want to point one thing out here. UVA and VT are completly different schools. If you want a law degree or business degree, you go to UVA. However they cant even touch Virgina Tech's Engineering and Science programs. Both schools are commpletely respectable institutions of learning, but for different areas of study. The demographics are different, with UVA being more preppy and upper class, and VT students having a more casual demeanor and coming from middle class backgrounds. There are rednecks at VT, but most dont make it past freshman year.
Oh, and no one really cares about the Citadel/Virginia Tech rivalry.

Now lets stop this rediculous rivalry and stop comparing apples to oranges.
~I want to major in electrical engineering with a minor in mathematics, so i think i will go to Virginia Tech.

~Thats cool, i want to major in business manegment and become an entrepreneur so i will go to UVA.

~Awesome, i respect your decision because we have different tastes in education.
by Dan April 9, 2005
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The site of the deadliest shooting spree in modern U.S. history. A social outcast named Cho Seung-Hui took 32 innocent lives on April 16th, 2006, before taking his own life. May all of the victims rest in peace, and may Cho Seung-Hui forever burn in Hell.
Virginia Tech is a college in Blacksburg VA.
by Mattch April 19, 2007
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virginia tech

School that unlike the previous fuckers definition that i had to chang! Virginia Tech is the best school in the state of VA and so I have to correct this tosser's inaccuracies!

1. The school is full of extremely smart, relatively diverse, and nice people
2. The girls at Virginia Tech are very respectable, pretty, and just really fun to hang with

3. Last but not least the students who attend this university don't smell like shit and only a small pecent are rednecks. Oh, incase you didn't know VT hates West Virginia. So nexttime you wanna fuck with VT, I'll come down to the community college and give your ass a beating you'll never forget. Then you'll come home, go to this website and create a word called the Hokie Asskicking!
Wow, UVA can suck my balls cuz all they are are stupid fuckers who pop their coller and screw their roommates.
by Kyle Bishop December 5, 2004
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virginia tech

After being accepted to both UVA and VT among other schools, I chose VT over UVA. I didn't want to learn to be a pussy (i.e. someone who thinks having money or being a prep-of-sorts will somehow save your ass when it's getting beaten for walking down the street and mouthing off at a Hokie like me who's income comes from beating the shit outta people), so UVA was out of the question.
VT is the place to go unless you wanna be a lawyer, artist, writer or some other liberal jerk-me-off pro.
Virginia is for lovers, University of Virginia is for guy-on-guy lovers, Virginia Tech is for guy-on-girl lovers
by MMA fighter March 4, 2006
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School in Virginia that has two upsides; 1) engineering 2) football (with rapists). But any other major is someone who is inferior but thinks that they are sweet.
What do kids that go to The University (UVA), The College (William and Mary), and Virginia Tech have in common?

They all got into tech.
by betterthantech February 20, 2006
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The best school for learning to be a man! I don't know what the Citadel's problem is, but I'm just about ready to open a can of whoop ass on their puppy butts.
The Citadel is the bitch of the Corp of Cadets at Virginia Tech.
by Mason December 19, 2003
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virginia tech

The school of Hokie great and NFL Star Michael Vick, or should I say Ron Mexico - the herpes sex offender. And then there is his little brother, current Hokie Marcus "I wanna be like R. Kelly" Vick. Great family, great school...
I could make an example of the above definition, but that could get a little nasty....
by NOVAWVU April 14, 2005
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