Someone who chooses not to consume animal products. A vegan does not eat meat, dairy products or eggs from animals. They also do not wear leather, wool, silk and other animal derived materials. They often have to deal with people who seem intimidated by people who choose not to support the harming of animals.
I think that just because I can fit something in my mouth that I have to eat it, I could easily get by without meat but I choose not to out of fear of being 'PC' and I have absolutely no idea that you can easily eat a fully balanced, nutritionally sound, diet without consuming animal products... hence I am not a vegan. I do, however, like to display my ignorance by posting mind numbingly stupid and totally unfounded criticisms of veganism on websites because it makes me feel special.
by Phaedrus January 8, 2004
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vee·gan·i·ty P Pronunciation Key ('vE-g&n-itie)

1.The quality or condition of being a vegn.
2.The state of being pure, unsullied, or untouched by meat and animal products.
Dina has lost her veganity by eating sausage.
by flickiter January 17, 2006
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A cruel, sick and twisted person who murders innocent Plants in cold blood.
That Vegan just killed that innocent Carrot! It was so young! Why did it have to die?!?! WHYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Volimer February 13, 2010
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A person who avoids all meats and animal products, such as milk, eggs, or leather. Usually a total pussy, who is just trying to be part of some "cause" or lifestyle because they have nothing else better to do. A typical vegan is stupid and ugly, and sports a "Meat is Murder" shirt.

Vegan diets ruin human fetuses, and vegan parents ruin human lives.
Real Life Example of Vegan:
A vegan chick who works at Starbucks bought and ate plain bagels everyday. The dumbass didn't know that the bagels she was eating everyday contained eggs. She finally finds out and says "I DIDNT KNOW THEY USED EGGS TO MAKE BAGELS!!!11"

See? Typical vegan retard.

Since vegans don't like animals being slaughtered for my burgers, we should start slaughtering vegans and making my burgers out of them.
by Anus Magillicutty January 14, 2006
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Someone who ignores judgemental/uninformed arguments like "waaah but we are part of the food-chain, its natural to eat animal products." argument. This argument is pretty much identical to any person when asked or threatened with any behavior out of the ordinary that needs to use kindergarden logic to defend themselves. When a non-vegan hears the word vegan they generally have a look of disgust on their face and are more annoying than most vegans themselves with all of their patronizing questions/arguments they think are witty.

Some vegans are self-absorbed and moralistic a-holes, often the ones from PETA are the worst of these. Some vegans don't push their personal beliefs on others and get annoyed with how the preachy ones ruin everything for them.
non-vegan: Want some eggs?

vegan: no thanks.


vegan:I'm vegan.

non-vegan: OH MY GAWWWD WTF DO YOU EAT? WHY? Isn't natural to eat animal products? You need calcium and shit!

vegan:meh, its working for me, I like how I am now, thanks.

by tcoca July 7, 2009
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someone whose compassion for all living beings even includes the folk who felt it was okay to malign veganism with slanderous and incorrect definitions. to practice veganism is to avoid to whatever degree possible all products which are made from flesh or contain animal by-products with the exception of those shared between humans with mutual consent ( human breastmilk for example). most vegans also choose to buy organic foods manufactured by environmentally and socially responsible companies. to be vegan also means to embrace a lifestyle of compassion and non-violence. many people confuse strict vegetarianism, which is only dietary, with true veganism which encompasses all facets of a lifestyle and includes living your life with sense of the interconnectedness between all people, animals and our environment.
After reading John Robbins book " Diet For A New America" and educating herself about the detrimental impact animal agriculture has on not only the lives of animals but also our oceans, lakes, rainforests, topsoil, air quality and the health of human beings, Lisa made the very altruistic and gutsy decision to become a vegan.
by erin June 9, 2004
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someone who doesnt want to suck on a cows udder,or eat a chickens menstruation result...

or contribute to the harm done to defenceless animals:)
'if the slaughter house had glass walls, i would be a vegan''
by vaselisa June 20, 2005
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