Something over-hyped that provides disappointing results. A reference to Geraldo Rivera's television special "The Mystery of Al Capone's Vault."
Dang, that movie sure was an Al Capone's Vault.
by Warren E. May 20, 2007
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The German Pole vault is like one of those gross/outrageous sexual things that you always joke around with your friends like the Alaskan Pipeline but would never actually attempt. The German Pole vault however is not gross, but would generally end in injury (and embarassment).

The German Pole Vault is when your female sex partner is lying on the bed, and the male starts standing on the bed, and then jumps down, aiming his penis into her vagina. This requires practice, accuracy and some luck or else you will end up with a bent penis.
Bro: Dude, she is so hot, I might try the German Pole Vault on her.
Dude: Thats hilarious, but if you miss, you wont have sex ever again.
by schubes66 October 12, 2011
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verb. When a man takes a long and hard shit that pivots in the bottom of the toilet bowl then falls and hits the man's balls on the way down.
My balls smell like shit because I went underwater pole vaulting this afternoon at five past the hour.
by Scooter Harrington April 11, 2013
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A place where all Year 10's gather for special announcements, meetings, CoD sessions (or just burning for that matter) and other interesting stuff......
We're off to The Year 10 Vault!
by -tW!6 h3@d- September 9, 2010
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a collection of nude pictures willing and unwilling from unexperienced women.
Dude! Did you see the new pics in Patrick Coopers Vault
by Timmy Giminson January 26, 2010
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Inserting a tube anally to relieve flatulence
I haven’t farted for a week so I scheduled a Dutch pole vault.
by Jerdie September 24, 2020
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When Epic Games doesn’t listen to the Fortnite Community and vaults other thing, but not the BRUTE mech.
Epic Games: We vaulted Combat Shotguns! Also, we nerfed the mechs.
Epic Games: ...
Community: bitch.
Community: vault the brute mechs
by I’mabot September 18, 2019
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