When you and your friends have the urge to urinate, but also have the desire to create an uncomfortable atmosphere within the bathroom. Tip: An excellent way to achieve optimal discomfort is to all enter the same cubical.
Friend 1: Hey, is it uwu time yet?
Friend 2: Hell yeah, I've been waiting all lunch.
Friend 3: I don't want to uwu with youwu
Friend 4: wtf is going on right now
by litigiosus December 16, 2019
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When everything goes OwO UwU.
OwO UwU: its OwO UwU time!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pauline: no please
(Pauline gets fucking raped by a storm of OwOs)
by Raped_by_a_Chicken April 24, 2019
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