Someone is is dirty and worthless, like a pig, but comes through as a good friend and ,for some really odd reason, leaves a good taste in ur mouth, like bacon.
Latasha look at that dirty pig over there sucking dick. What a uncultured swine she is.
Two weeks later...
Latasha look at our little hoe over there sucking dick!! Man I am so happy she came through to us
by Itssotrue August 9, 2016
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girl 1: Look at that Uncultured swine
Girl 2: I know she doesn't have a childhood. She doesn't know anything
by michellebublé November 28, 2018
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Someone who uses this word is a complete ass and dosent know how bad they are. They also may where way more I liner than they should and is offended when someone makes a suiside joke but when they make that joke there fine ok so the actual def is someone who ur jellos of
What an uncultured swine he is
by That gay fuck November 5, 2018
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1. (noun) when a person notices something very iconic & he or she does not know what is. 2. (noun) A non-intellectual.
Wow! There is a certain percentage that the person reading this is wondering what uncultured swine is, may be one!
(Actual example): A 10-year girl doesn't know where the krabby patty came from, & guesses it's from McDonald's;
by bluestardust96 February 13, 2019
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