People who tweet someone else'e tweet as their own instead of re-tweeting them.
Original finder of a funny article is ABC, while XYZ follows ABC.

ABC: This is funny. lol someFunnyUrl

XYZ who follows ABC tweets receives this tweet and tweets it as his/her own instead of doing RT @ABC: This is funny. lol someFunnyUrl

Thus, XYZ is a twitter leech, aka a tweech.
by linkkhi June 19, 2009
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a Fake Social Media legislation that explains that one can tweet whatever he/she wants with no boundaries and openly doesn't care if you read it and get offended, all in 140-characters or less.
"Did you see Matt's tweet about jumping on the Winnipeg Jets bandwagon?"

"He's just using his Freedom of Tweech. That's the whole point of Twitter."
by TheDrake1001 March 9, 2012
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