to shizzle

The act or process of shizzling, or alternatively to shiznat: the past-tence of to shizzle.
Shizzler: Come back with my Canadanian grass you hoe!
Hoe: Someone who shiznat on a turtle don't deserve grass!
Shizzler: Don't push me, hoe, or I'll bust a cap on your black ass! so as to shizzle ya up the wall!
Hoe: well, ya face biatch (hoe wins)
Shizzler: ahh fuck!
Hoe: in your face up in your face biatch, mmm victory; smells good don't it?
by Shizzler and hoe inc. June 15, 2007
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It has two meanings, 'Sure' and 'Shit'. It all depends on the way you say it.
Sure - 'Fo Shizzle' = For Sure, Definately

Shit - 'That's The Shizzle' = That is good.
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Shit, but for retards
Mark: Oh Shizzle! I got the question wrong! ):
Person 2: Shut the fuck up mark your iq is below 30 you fucking stupid ass rat.
Mark: ):
by DisBoiEpic January 18, 2022
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for shizzle

For sure. Actually created by E-40, not Snoop Dogg.. but Snoop Dogg popularized the word.
"I've always wanted to say this... For Shizzle!" - Dave Chappelle, Racial Debate (as Tiger Woods)
by iLuVnArU March 24, 2006
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for shizzle

Means for sure. Its derrived from Snoop Dogg's created language
I would go with her....for shizzle.
by D. Herring March 20, 2005
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1. Description of any meat, veggie, or other food that has been slathered and cooked with The Shizzle brand jerk marinade.

2. Past tense of cooking with The Shizzle jerk marinade.
1. Ross: "Guess what, I freakin' mowed down on some shizzled wings last night."

2. Darryl: "Hey what y'all get into last night?"
Austin: "Well, first I shizzled up some wings on the grill. And then some moochbag mouthbreather mowed them down before I had a chance to get any!"
by longfacepartdeux February 3, 2011
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