1.)A fake bitch that fools you with kindness.
2.)Fake sugar.
That Splenda bitch would watch my dog for free then called animal control on me.
by Louie Putton February 19, 2016
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Being sweet to a girl with the intention of fucking her only.
(after fucking a girl)
Girl: you're so sweet!
You: splenda.
Girl: What?
You: splenda! I'm sweet, but I'm so fake!
by Blorb March 25, 2005
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That horrid sweetner that claims to taste like sugar when it only taste like shit. Now soccermoms want thier kids to use this shit too. It tastes bitter and leaves a wierd feeling on the back of your throat.
*on box* "splenda made from sugar and tastes like sugar"

me: "I'm gonna try this when I get home."

me: *drinks coffee* "Fucking liars."
by annnnonnnnymous September 7, 2011
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To get a kiss from and Asian.
Give me some splenda!
by chico boy December 1, 2009
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Word to describe your day or how you're feeling. Comes from the word splendid and splenda(the artificial sweetner). Instead of saying splendid, as in you had a nice day, say slpenda because it was almost good but not the real thing.
1. "How was you're day?"
"Meh. It was splenda."

2. You're days not bad but its not great..its splenda.
by Kali03 April 3, 2014
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Commonly known as a sugar substitue, Splenda may also be used as an adjective referring to a bisexuality. In addition, sugar is also used as an adjective when referring to somone who is homosexual.

" Girl, give it up. That man is splenda. Next he'll be lovin' it up on your brother."
by Wicked DNA November 8, 2007
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used as a pet name for a thin girl.
I call her splenda because shes just as sweet, but zero the calories
by ethankman September 25, 2010
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