acronym: The Internet Girlfriend - used as a title and substitute name for girlfriends met and primarily talked to on the internet. primarilly used by parties outside the relationship.
"hey Chris, how are things going with Tig?"
by John Flanagan February 27, 2005
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Person 1: Wow, the Tigs destroyed the Twins 10-2 today.
Person 2: Yeah they are so good this year. I think the Tigs will win the World Series.
by OsborneSwagYes April 9, 2013
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1) A group of five intensely attractive girls. Easily the prettiest, funniest, most popular girls in the room.
2) The group of girls that everyone is jealous of in high school.
3) A friendship that lasts through college, despite the fact that separations may occur.
4) To a TIG girl, your bridesmaids.

1) The TIG is so cool, I wish they would allow a sixth member.

2)We're close, but we're not TIG close.

by b-callahan January 9, 2009
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A tig is basically the opposite of a chode, it's normal length but really really skinny.
You have a tig.
by Chodstein April 13, 2011
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Usually a penis that is very thin, also known as a pencil dick. People who are super skinny and bony are also referred to as Tigs.
by twaticunthereyou420 April 2, 2013
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Person #1: Everything seems to be going wrong, I just can't trust in anybody these days..
Person #2: Well you know you could always tig. Trust in God, even says on our coins in the USA that in God we Trust, might as well.
by stevierocks May 2, 2012
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