Throw it back

Often used as a slang word “throw it backthe true definition of this word is a girl shaking her a** and making it pop!
Person 1: throw it back girl
Girl: alright *shakes booty in face*
by Athena_Amethyst February 12, 2020
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Throw it back

While males on top "giving it to her" Female throws motion back to him.
She throw it back, cause it make ha nut quicker .
by DhatBitch May 8, 2009
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throw it back

JayP: "ayo... ima see you at the club tonight and you gunna throw it back.yeeeeesssss"
by billy bob jr. III May 2, 2008
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throwing it back

when someone breaks their back to show off their ass or their cake
did you see charli desmelio last night she was throwing it back a lot
by iamcookiemonster May 13, 2020
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Throw It back

A.Finishing a cup of liqour in a gulp
B.Dancing(girls grinding on boys)
A.Dude 1-You Stressed Ma Dude?
Dude 2- YEa
Dude 1-Well throw that Bacardi back

B.Bitch, Throw It back
by NyzFinestAzn November 30, 2006
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throw it back

a term used to highlight an awkward situation, often said in drinking situations to encourage others to take another drink of alcohol for the purpose of becoming intoxicated so as to care less about the awkwardness occuring
"That really sucks that your girlfriend hooked up with Joe last night."
"Welp, throw it back."
by Doll April 28, 2005
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