A roller coaster ride in which two or more people are riding in a car and out of nowhere it starts smelling like the most foul, vile shit you can imagine. At this point, passengers on The Shit Train are allowed to roll down their windows for fresh air or to vomit. Yes, some passengers on The Shit Train may need a barf bag to ride.
I made my friend ride The Shit Train three times on the way home from school!
by Bignos January 14, 2010
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when you are taking a shit and it is one long continuous piece that is still attached to your asshole.
I was on the toilet the other day and I had to squeese my butt cheeks together to stop the shit train from coming out my ass.
by hispanic panic January 15, 2009
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To be bombarded with insults and attacks after an incident meant to be a secrete is revealed
Justin Bieber was shit trained when word got out he got a girl preggers.
by mollgion November 7, 2011
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The level of inebriation or drug-induced handicap that is far beyond the standard human experience. If the terms "tipsy" and "buzzed" are used to describe the low end of this spectrum then the only level higher than "Shit Train" is death. Subjects designated as Shit Trains are likely in the beginning stages of alcohol poisoning and should seek immediate medical assistance.
"Did you guys ever find Nandini after the club?"
"No, was she ratchet?"
"No girl, she was a Shit Train."
by Prof. Bawdon September 4, 2014
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To shit trains typically means you are the shit. It can also correlate to being number one at everything. Often times used for upping a Mister One Upper, or someone who has to beat you at every event, activity, or story you've ever encountered.
John: I went to France.
Tim: I went to France 3 times.
by charlievato July 7, 2008
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The act of shitting out a train by the power of Unknown forces.
The cops was about to get my ass so I yelled, "I Shit Trains!" And by the power of the Unknown I shat a train that derailed another train and killed dem.
by Anonymous Train Shitter December 18, 2008
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