
Josh is TRASH because he manipulates people and is a narcissist.
by Ope1997 July 12, 2020
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So utterly obsessed with something that you become useless to society. Kind of like trash/garbage
I'm Nicki Minaj Trash or I'm One Direction trash
by Bananafofanajolana September 22, 2015
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A term that identifies something or someone as lacking in talent, usefulness, or pleasure, mostly used as an insult towards white people.
This game is trash!
by Señor_Pablo67 November 30, 2016
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when you are so in love with this guy, he’s beautiful, talented you dream about him, he’s like the king of everything you ever wanted and he makes you think you have a chance oh wow

the women he wants and gets with
narrator: he could be with any one he wanted, including the princess herself yet he arrived alone

audience: he wants trash
narrator: ...then the princess arrived glowing with gems and dripping with beauty and the possibility of love
audience: go home he wants trash
by williet hughnot November 30, 2019
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