the puppet

Fisting someone in the ass while they sit on your lap. You may opt to perform a joke routine during this time.
John spent the evening working on the punchline to a great bedroom joke routine, much to Stacey's dismay. Her ass was stretched more than her vagina from getting "the puppet" one to many times this week.
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Soneone with a life so sad that they try to control someone else's to deny their own reality.
Jack: Man I swear John keeps trying me how to live, where I should go and what to spend money on.
Jim: Sounds like he is your puppeteer.
by HbBrisley August 4, 2020
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1. A person that is easily controlled by others.
2. A person that conforms to pointless ideals set by others.
3. A person who changes opinions or views rapidly based on someone else's views/opinions.
I don't trust you. You are just a puppet.
by Jakob with a K July 11, 2008
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The Puppeteer

An increasingly popular nickname for Vladimir Putin.
From the very beginning of my fake presidency, I have been committed to assisting my old friend, The Puppeteer, in making America great again!
by Dr Bunnygirl August 28, 2020
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1. A person not capable of forming his or her own ideas. Often, the person will adopt a set of ideals and protect them vehemently by ridiculing other peoples' values.
2. A person being manipulated, whether he he realizes it or not. See: tool
Conformists. Posers. Teeny-boppers. Anybody easily impressionable
by Mush Hyren December 3, 2003
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Something controlled by something else.
See wordAvril/word, wordGeorge W. Bush/word, wordetc/word
by larstait October 29, 2003
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When a person or persons, especially one in a position of authority, has been controlled or unduly influenced, by another person, group, organisation or entity.
The politicians had been puppeted by their backers.
by Pepyst June 28, 2020
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