
by Traintimeboy April 28, 2022
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Also: Deathin, DEATH

Adjective: To cause to die brutally in a video game or similar internet simulation, often by use of rocket launcher, explosives, pump action shotgun, or in the case of Aliens: Colonial Marines, with the acid traps set by Xenomorphs commonly referred to as loogies.

Noun: Exclamation shouted upon brutally or suddenly killing an opponent (or incidentally yourself) through violent means.
Adjective: Sir Locx spent all day deathig colonial marines with the Spitter. (or) I just deathed myself with that stupid helicopter on Grand Theft. (or) Deathin these idiots isn't even fun anymore. (or) Did you just death yourself? (or) Where were you last night? Deathing.

Noun: (Upon being blasted to pieces) DEATH!!!
by Azanthis June 5, 2013
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Nature's way of reminding you that health foods don't work.
She had a lovely death, up to her eyeballs in water biscuits and cucumber sandwiches.
by Fearman June 9, 2007
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a possible side effect from doing many things
such as: stepping in front of on coming traffic, drinking too much, thinking that signs that say "hazard" "dangerous" "poisonous" are just bluffs and running with scissor outside while flying a kite at night near a power plant
by Chili-D July 17, 2003
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by oops August 21, 2003
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Death No

The act of refuting a suggestions or idea of another person by a simple yet firm "Umm, no." This phrase has no known comeback, and has been reported to cause suicide if executed properly.
person 1"Man,lets go to the beach"
person 2 "Umm, No. Idiot. Its raining," this is the Death no
person 1 "..."
:person 1 dies a little inside:
by Dustinograda March 25, 2008
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American Death metal band formed in 1983 under the name Mantras. They re-formed as death in 1984, and hit it off. they're the first ever death metal band (i think the genre's named after them). The lead singer (Chuck Schuldiner, RIP) accidentally growled/screamed when trying to cover a slayer song, and thus was born Chuck's amazing voice.
"Death fucking rocks, too bad Chuck died."
by psychoman364 November 27, 2003
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