the berton is a boy who is an amazing boyfriend and kisser. also known as the bertonator, bertron, or other names. he is an amazing guy usually known as will.
omg he is the berton! i think im in love.
by yodawg696969 July 6, 2012
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to fall over, trip up.
Did you see Geff last night? He was super pissed, he din't see the step and went for a berton.
by Matt Peacock January 3, 2005
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Thoughts that are hideous.
(burr-tahn-na-cle) bertonical
by regardless devon victory May 16, 2010
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someone who is ugly and in their spare time they eat food.AND THEN THEY STARVE THEMSELVES AND ARE BALEMIC. a. berton is the most common of these species.
omg she is sucha berton!
by YOCRAZY345 November 18, 2010
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me: are you a crouton? i think you are a crouton

crouton: yes


basically crouton is a crouton and is DRIED BREAD yuh so poggies~!
by rawruwugirlhehepoggies May 2, 2022
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