Guy 1: Hey you know that one song?
Guy 2: If you can't even remember the name it must be shit.
Guy 1: Oh yeah, it is....
by Zac July 21, 2015
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When an individual get addicted to one song and plays it over a period of time
E: Are you still listening to Bubblin' (Blue song)?

C: Yeah, I'm on the One Song Phase
by DiliChu July 10, 2015
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A person who considers themselves a huge fan of a certain band, mostly to the point of purchasing the band's merchandise and attending their concerts, despite only knowing one of their songs, most of the time being the band's most mainstream hit.
One Song Fan: "Oh my god!!!! I'm the biggest fan of AFI!!! They rock!!! I wanna see them live!!!"

Friend: "Ok cool. What's your fave AFI song?"

One Song Fan: "Miss Murder. But that's the only song I've heard from them. But they ROCK!!! I love them!!!"
by renegadesoldier August 20, 2006
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Having a song that consists of one note on the guitar. Just don't try to take the credit for inventing it. Some may say its not a song, and you should fire those damned nay-sayers from your band.
Don't you fucking steal my one note song, you flying fuck.
by ssa fo tola teg i (backwards) September 27, 2003
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When you start a Guitar Hero or Rock Band session and continually tell yourself or your friends that you'll do one more song and then it's over.

The next time you look at the clock, three hours have passed and you've played nearly every song on the disc.
Person 1: I can't believe we played every downloadable Foo Fighters song Rock Band has to offer! What do you want to do next?
Person 2: How about one more song?

Two hours later:
Person 1: Alright. We've also played every Blink-182 song there is. Think we should go to bed?
Person 2: I've wanted to play 'Rebel Yell' for the last twenty minutes.
Person 1: Rock on!

One hour later:
Person 1: I think we've got the syndrome.
Person 2: What syndrome?
Person 1: One More Song Syndrome.
Person 2: No wonder we're virgins
by EderC October 13, 2010
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This is the number one song in heaven
Written, of course, by the mightiest hand
All of the angels are sheep in the fold of their master
They always follow the Master and his plan
This is the number one song in heaven
Why are you hearing it now, you ask
Maybe you're closer to here than you imagine
Maybe you're closer to here than you care to be
This is the number one song in heaven
Written, of course, by the mightiest hand
All of the angels are sheep in the fold of their master
They always follow the Master and his plan
This is the number one song in heaven
Why are you hearing it now, you ask
Maybe you're closer to here than you imagine
Maybe you're closer to here than you care to be
by Death Menace April 27, 2023
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(verb) to keep saying something untrue or annoying, or something that's been said many times.
He did nada but doin' his old song "I didn't rip off yo ride!".
by Fangsta March 18, 2003
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