A language spoken in many parts of East Africa, including Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and others. It is a mixture of the native Bantu language and Arabic. Swahili is written in a Roman script (i.e. like English).
by Nabeel Jafferali June 22, 2004
one of the most complex language on earth.i like swahili it is easy and very nice to speak.i think it should be taught everywhere in the world.
by ali mohamed March 22, 2006
by Busted Hyman July 5, 2006
Watch this, I'm going to Swahili Spencer when he bowls. Or I just swahili'd the shit out of jordyn.
you better not Swahili me! I totally gave her the Swahili today and she never saw it coming.
you better not Swahili me! I totally gave her the Swahili today and she never saw it coming.
by HAITIAN March 11, 2014
The act of tying your nipples to a donkey's wiener while tickling a midgets forehead with your big toe
by Swahili and Buwunga March 6, 2014
by Bee Szabo September 28, 2004