
Short for the French phrase, "s'il vous plait," meaning "If you please." In France, "svp" is a very commonly used shorthand, used online, in letters, etc.
Donnez-moi le pamplemouse, svp!

Give me a grapefruit, svp!
by Christina S June 2, 2006
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S'il Vous Plait

If you please.

Used for sounding elegant.
I'd greatly adore some of your chocolate, SVP.
by kKifairy April 3, 2006
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SVP is commonly used it France to mean "Sors Voir Papa", quoting the movie "J'aime les artichauts".
Désolé, je ne peux pas ce soir, il faut que je SVP
by artichoke_king February 17, 2023
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Scott Van Pelt - The King of Late Night Sportscasters at ESPN; nominated for 2 Sports Emmys as “Outstanding Sports Personality” in Studio Host category in 2011 and 2016; “SportsCenter with Scott Van Pelt” nominated by 2018 Producers Guild of America for “Outstanding Sports Program”
Where in the World Isn’t SVP? — A trademark of Scott Van Pelt where fans tweet where & when they see lookalikes of Scott Van Pelt at places around the world
by wnyhusker March 16, 2018
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Sugar Vanilla Pump.

A popular coffee order in the PNW.
I'll take a SVP, if it pleases you.
by Sebastian Owl December 12, 2016
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Under California law, Welfare and Institutions Code section 6600, a SVP is a “Sexually violent predator” which means the person has been convicted of a sexually violent offense against one or more victims and has a diagnosed mental disorder that makes the person a danger to the health and safety of others, and is likely to continue to engage in sexually violent criminal behavior beyond his/her/they release from incarceration or the state hospital.
Fred: "Hey Dick, wanna watch some SVP?"
Dick: "Dude, you sick bastard... what the Fuck? Wait, are you talking about Scott Van Pelt on ESPN or a Sexually Violent Predator?"
by sdb17sd September 17, 2020
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