
A person that has immense amounts of steeze.
That guy has so much style, people call him "steezus"
by Kyle Johnson April 3, 2008
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steezus christ

he shreds for our sins
holy crap its steezus christ! he shredding!
by xaynth2 February 12, 2023
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Steezus Christ

A skater with long luscious brown hair that looks like the reincarnation of Jesus and shreds so hard it makes you want to cream your pants
Oh my gosh look at Steezus Christ back at it again shredding for our sins.
by Sonith Lee March 2, 2023
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Steezus known by many names such as boyzlibub, beezus, boyzuss, and lord steezlibub is the spirit of night and lord of darkness.
Dont do that to Lord Steezus he’s gonna sacrifice you.

Steezus loves eating the blood of his sacrifices.
by leyroy jenkin June 24, 2024
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steezus christ

a holy man who shredded for our sins with his skate board, all while listening to to Even Flow by Pearl Jam.
by prevailthebride November 30, 2023
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Steezus Christ

Someone who will shred your sins away, looking extremely sexy for an 13 year old man with a full grown beard and the hole-iness of God himself. Damn, they must be full of holes. My favorite, h ttps://
Steezus Christ will shred the shit out of God himself, not just our sins.
by PORGSSSS December 31, 2024
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