I really dumb and immature way of saying skater.
"He was a sk8er boi"
by Kate October 26, 2003
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Started by Canadian tard Avril Lavigne, Sk8er is used by 10-12 year olds who follow Avril Lavigne like a freaking god. These 10-12 year olds have merely got their first taste of "rock," and have been pulled into it's will by the WRONG person, namely Avril. These 10-12 year olds refer to anti-sk8ers as "h8ers." The "8" is used in place fo "at" because the 10-12 year olds cannot spell "skater."
Thanks a lot, Avril. You just ruined the word "skateboarder" and the sport of boarding forever. Now the common stereotype for skateboarders is being a poser.
by MehRo June 21, 2004
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A word a POSER would type instead of skater or skateboarder.
"Yeah dudetes I'm so sk8zors maaan. I can do a 360 ollie, i just fall lots and lots of times because I'm a sk8er boi maaan!"
by blessthefaller January 3, 2009
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Leet (l33t, l337) speak for skater

YO! Thoz sk8ers downtown roxorz my soxorz!
by Nodrog April 11, 2006
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Dude -Hey I got to get me one of those cool set of plates.

Dude 2-Yeah get one that says SK8ER that would be cool
by troubledemon February 19, 2010
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sk8er....the 1337 of the leet
by sk8er October 5, 2003
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The dumbass spelling of the phrase "skater boy" enforced by proffesional dumbass avril lavigne. (See also dipshit and fucktard)
"Like, o my god, im a punk and im gonna go hit on that hot sk8er boi! avril lavigne is sooo, like cool!" <<bitch
by Aleu April 29, 2003
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