by The Return of Light Joker May 26, 2009
When two men are engaged in a heated argument and it is clear no resolution will be made, one male will say "size up", prompting both participants to expose their penises. The one with the larger penis wins the argument by default simply because his penis is larger. No exceptions.
Male 1: "Dude, you're a fucking dumbass, McDonalds is definitely better than Wendy's."
Male 2: "Um, are you fucking kidding me, Wendy's is 10 times better."
Male 1: "Size up"
Male 2: Alright, fine, McDonald's is better.
Male 2: "Um, are you fucking kidding me, Wendy's is 10 times better."
Male 1: "Size up"
Male 2: Alright, fine, McDonald's is better.
by VillanovaJC March 14, 2011
by rw-lad August 13, 2008
by DomToretto July 18, 2021
"Yo, no long talkin' b. Either size up or nize up"
In other words...
"Hey man, I don't want to do this long talking business anymore. Either stand up to me and let's fight, or shut up."
In other words...
"Hey man, I don't want to do this long talking business anymore. Either stand up to me and let's fight, or shut up."
by suwayy March 15, 2017
by LordFarquadd July 25, 2021
To get a feel of someone's strength by observing them or a call out to get someone to fight you
This pretty simple term which was then redefined by tiktok idiots into: When a man looks if his dick will fit by checking out a girl's thighs.
This pretty simple term which was then redefined by tiktok idiots into: When a man looks if his dick will fit by checking out a girl's thighs.
Bro 1: Bro, I fucked your mom
Bro 2: Size up, bitch.
Bro 1: Bet
What tiktok idiots think it is:
Girl: OMG you're so gross, why are you sizing me up?
Boy: Umm... I wasn't. I don't want to fight
Bro 2: Size up, bitch.
Bro 1: Bet
What tiktok idiots think it is:
Girl: OMG you're so gross, why are you sizing me up?
Boy: Umm... I wasn't. I don't want to fight
by NNatty August 14, 2021