Old school 90's term for a headbanger, very common in Langford BC.

Shrubs are typically seen wearing a Langford Tuxedo, smell like they've been smoking way too much bad shake, and have a tough-guy attitude that is directed most specifically at skaters
Dude that shrub's been beating the hell out of that skater for the last half hour!
by diggerB February 5, 2010
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a young stoner in public school who has been a tobacco smoker for such a time that it has stunted his/her growth
Nelly is always hanging around with those shrubs at the breezeway. I think she might be doing weed now. Can Furtado even afford it?
by ponte September 10, 2006
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Newark, Delaware, nicknamed as such for its shady unremarkability.
"You guys gonna hang in the shrub tonight?"
"Yeah, man, all up in shrub!"
by Khora February 20, 2008
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shrub adapted from the european slang word brov is the female version of the word. The prefix of shrub comes from the word sister. Or shrub could also be used in terms of calling someone a prostitute.
wad up shrub

dam i got irrested when i was caught sleeping with that shrub last night.
by Zack Kurs March 20, 2008
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On the Canadian West Coast, in the 1970s, hippies were sometimes called "shrubs".
She's no lazy shrub, just collecting pogey after screefing in the slash all spring.
by Qarlitos July 25, 2018
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When you're trying to find the clit and your hand gets lost in the chick's bush.
Gary: so what happened with that bitch last night? Kevin: tried to finger her pussy, but i ended up just shrubbing. Gary: ew dude fuck.
by kevin&gary October 15, 2010
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Marijuana nuggets! Tree, grass, herb.
Yo, gimme a cut of them shrubs!
by dddduuubbb April 27, 2005
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