The month of November is reserved for ry to get booty pics in his dms. Ry deserves booty pics in his dms EVERYDAY but it has been condensed into a singular month. send ry ass pics if you really love or appreciate him.
“Wow that guy Ry really deserves some booty pics let’s send them for national send ry booty pics month“
by uwu eboy November 3, 2020
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On May 9th every girl sends a booty pic to their sneaky link\boyfriend
Girl: omg it’s May 9th! I need to celebrate National Send a Booty Pic Day and send a pic of my fat ass to my sneaky link!
by Longshlongkong May 5, 2022
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April 17th is the day where you send a booty pic to someone you are comfortable with
boy: send me a booty pic
girl: why
boy: it’s National send a booty pic day
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