When somebody's handwriting looks like a chicken wrote it.
EX: T=Teacher S= Student
*S is writing essay*
T- Your handwriting looks like chicken scratch
S- Well to bad
by BillNy3 V2 May 24, 2019
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The handwriting the person your trying to cheat off of has.
Bob: Hey Bill, can I cheat off of you?
*shows paper*
Bob: Are you joking? What is this Chicken Scratch junk?
Bill: My handwriting
by That one person you never knew January 19, 2019
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A term used when you're fingering a girl, flicking her bean, making everything work fast and hard enough, and then she squirts and convulses. It's like winning a lottery scratch-off ticket—not a big win, but enough to keep playing the game.
Nick: Hey Bill, you get with Dirty Suzie last night?
Bill: Let's just say when I was fingering her, she must have felt like I had a Kennedy Half-Dollar on me as she made me a Scratch-Off Winner. She melted off the couch after two minutes. Smell my fingers (Bill thrusts his fingers onto Nick's nasal area mockingly).
Nick (awkwardly smelling Bill's fingers): Damn....Let me lick that shit!
by Studs Lonigan III December 6, 2024
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When you have your sisters underwear in your pocket while playing basketball and you sniff it before shooting
Oh yeah I made my shot after the Illinois scratch and sniff
by Paulbyrne8 April 24, 2024
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Flavor scratch is what happens to the roof of your mouth after eating hard foods, like captain Crunch, or toasted sourdough.
My cereal left me with multiple flavor scratches this morning.
by KayKay4 January 14, 2018
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I am on ALL platforms. At least I hope I am.
Scratch-aGunner is a totally epic gamer!! Give him a internet!! internetometer dot com/give/48017
by Scratch-aGunner March 15, 2021
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