The uncontrollable urge (after whiffing your favorite food or delicacy)to bury one's face in it,and immediately consume it in a ravenous fashion
Not having eaten for three days, I schmeeled the pizza fresh from the oven.
by ED HALL March 14, 2007
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(v) - attempting to informally steal and/or copy someones academic work.

(n) - Someone that attempts to casually copy someones work.
ex: (v)
Bob: Hey can I see what you did for problem set 3?
Rick: Stop trying to schmeel from my lab.

ex: (n)
Bob: What did you get for the homework?
Rick: Your such an f'n schmeeler.
by GodXtreme November 8, 2011
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When a gathering of friends goes to the middle of the woods at night, makes a bonfire, and parties like its 99.
Person 1: Hey man, are you going to the schmeel tonight?
Person 2: Oh heavens yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by ballsballsballsballsballs September 23, 2010
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rambling on and on and on and on and on and on in a conversation until you forget what you were originally talking about
employee 1: ...and then I told her "I don't know if we have it in the back, I don't work in stock!"
employee 2: yeah... hey, what were we talking about?
employee 1: no idea bro
employee 2: aw nah bro we've been schmeeling
by martian mambo July 14, 2022
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rambling along and along and along and along and along with a homie until you can't remember what your original conversation topic was anymore
homie 1: so then the customer asked me if we had more cheese in the back and I said-
homie 2: yo bro what were we talking about at first?
homie 1: no idea
homie 2: nah bro we schmeeling
by martian mambo July 14, 2022
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