
perfect in every single way. He's a gentleman, he's smart, funny, incredibly gorgeous, silly, and mature. He knows just what to say and just when to say it and is the kind of guy you want to spend the rest of your life with. Every time you look at him your heart stops beating and you cant breath and then he looks at you and suddenly your heart is going a mile a minute and you're breathing so hard you're afraid that your chest may explode. He's an angel.
girl: hey sarim i love u
sarim: love u more darling!!
by bingopop September 12, 2010
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can be quite funny sometimes i guess (don’t tell him that tho cos it’ll all go to his fat head). has a strange talent for remembering song lyrics yet refuses to do his business homework??? also can be cute when he’s simpy which is hardly ever but i see how that makes it more worth it. is very attractive but again don’t tell him that cos it’ll make his ego massive.
random guy - sarim kinda funny uno

me - yh don’t tell him that, he’s already full of himself
by thaliasummer April 11, 2021
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a man with an abnormally large penis that makes him the desirable for women
that guy is such a Sarim, I bet he'd be great in bed
by SammyPro May 7, 2009
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A kind person, who is great with tech. If you ever need anything you can count on him. He will help you, and he's a nice friend as well. He is a very cool person
by Pokem_X January 30, 2020
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