by Shroomsii May 19, 2022
by PajamaBoy91 July 18, 2018
A person/group cannot stop mentioning/challenging/thinking about another person/group eventhough the other person/group doesn't even acknowledge their existence
by AwareSuperCC May 19, 2022
To live in the head of someone who can’t stop thinking about someone or what someone does, especially someone whom they say they hate.
People say they hate Raider Cody but talk about him everyday, he’s living Rent Free in all their heads.
by Bobs burner April 26, 2020
Living in someone's head rent free. They are in your mind all the time and you are constantly thinking about them. All your thoughts are about them, and they have no idea. Usually happens when you have a big crush on someone
A phrase originally meaning whenever someone can't stop obsessively thinking about something or someone, particularly something unimportant, or someone who isn't even remotely thinking about them in return.
However, due to overuse by morons, has come to just be a regurgitated, automated response to criticism of something someone doesn't want criticized. Often used as a coping mechanism whenever an actual, intelligent rebuttal can't be made.
However, due to overuse by morons, has come to just be a regurgitated, automated response to criticism of something someone doesn't want criticized. Often used as a coping mechanism whenever an actual, intelligent rebuttal can't be made.
Person 1: "I don't like this restaurant. Every time I go there, the tables and chairs are sticky and the service gets my order wrong."
Person 2 (smugly believing they are somehow making a point): "Oh yeah? Well, that restaurant is living in your head RENT FREE!!!"
Person 2 (smugly believing they are somehow making a point): "Oh yeah? Well, that restaurant is living in your head RENT FREE!!!"
by Papergrin August 6, 2021
Living in someone's head rent free. They are in your mind all the time and you are constantly thinking about them