1.) a female with an attractive face but overweight. 2.) a woman with a think middle, ample chest, and large posterior. 3.) an uber fat woman on the side of the road or on tv that would only be attractive to reed
"Damn, she'd be hot if she lost 30lbs"
"Yeah shes definitely a Reedle"
by A very concerned friend March 19, 2008
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Noun: reedle; Plural noun: reedles
Sharp, needle-like slivers of reed cane; byproduct of shaping oboe reeds with a razor blade, frequently found in your shoes, carpet, pants, anywhere affected by gravity; the bane of your non-oboe playing housemate/partner/guest; reedles live in your sock until the right moment dislodges them into your foot.
I almost crashed my car trying to fish a reedle out of my sock.

My cat eats reedles and immediately vomits.

Reedles always land sharp side up.
by François Lorée February 14, 2022
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