This is an expression, largely used in New York City, for baby boomer children of avowed American communists. It became the title of a one-man show in New York by Josh Kornbluth in 2000.
When the guy knew all the words to a Russian political song, I realized he must be a red diaper baby.
by Bill Overton June 26, 2006
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Someone who was brought up in a liberal, leftist background
"...I knew Rorty a little; he was a shy and gentle man, a red-diaper baby who grew up to be a bird-watcher and a savorer of Proust and Kant in their original languages."
by Prasub January 11, 2017
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The children of leftist intellectual baby boomers, raised from birth on Marxism and a drug tolerant environment, and now in places of political and intellectual influence.
Red diaper doper baby politicians who want to legalize marijuana and tax the successful to support the unproductive.
by Jeff February 27, 2004
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They're a psychotic bunch of red-diaper-doper babies who were suckled on Karl Marx.
by Rick Baxla October 31, 2003
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