a word that i created by accident. Another way to say tittyfuck (having sex with the cleavage between a womans breasts)
That slut in the corner will give a rackjob for 5 bucks.
by Fluffy Marshmallow October 2, 2005
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A rackjob means being chained to bars high on a wall in the dungeon of a dominatrix
A man came to the reception desk at Madam X's House of Pleasure. The receptionist phoned through to her mistress who was in the dungeon and said " There is another rackjob here ".
by St. Ias October 4, 2005
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adj, raak-jo-b This word is a synonom to queer and transexual. Anything refered to this word is known to have had a sex change or liking the same sex/gender.
You are a rackjob.
by Dr, Shultz November 4, 2008
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Every depressed mutt who sits around watching TV all day gets a rackjob. Otherwise known as I was too lazy to develop my muscles and got tit surgery.
"Of course she had a rackjob, EVERY bitch competes with eachother like its not even for the people supplying the cock"
by unworldly April 2, 2020
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