push it

a song by salt n pepa.

according to pepa, it means to have sex.

some believe it, in fact, means dancing one's butt off.
by willy willy will October 18, 2007
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push it

Phrase referring to hip hop DANCING and/or to a hot sweaty SEXUAL act.
Push It, Push It real good! -Salt-n-Pepa
by Writer Ramblings October 18, 2007
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push push

push push means to have sex
last night me and my girl had mad push push
by stefo57 December 16, 2005
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push push

" ahh gurl! last night i had me some crazy push push!"
by mr. fupa king September 2, 2006
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To sell something.
Usually drug's.
"Have you been pushing much weed lately?"
by Diego July 18, 2003
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in push

When a woman dresses in men's clothing. The opposite of a man dressing in drag.

Tina looks so butch we she dresses in push, she's wearing a shirt and tie!
by Jeremy Radd June 13, 2008
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The act of selling, or attempting to sell, drugs.
"Yo is that one dude still pushing weed?"
by maryjaneslover69 May 27, 2009
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