Professional or semi-professional attire used to provoke sexual arrousal or attention in the workplace.
by Cap July 1, 2004
Squares that destroy so.mething. The first word that comes to mind when you are trying to explain "Perfect Squares" to your friend.
Person 1: I forget everything!
Person 2: Per...per...PROVOCATIVE SQUARES!
Person 1: Let's put that on a mug.
Person 2: Per...per...PROVOCATIVE SQUARES!
Person 1: Let's put that on a mug.
by notafakeaccount2 November 13, 2017
Also, if saying the most provocative thing possible garners immediate fame and success; why isn’t everyone else doing it?
Hym “I mean... As far as ‘Saying the more provocative (again) thing imaginable to become famous’ is easy then why am I the only one doing it? And why I’m I the most famous? I’m pretty sure Lucifer is based on me too. Sherlock Holmes-esque police consultant show where ‘The devil hates sin because why else would he punish it’ that was me. A plurality of entertainment stemming directly from this guy 😈👈 That’s me. Not as easy as it looks, alright? Cut me some slack.”
by Hym Iam September 23, 2022