When you actually try doing your homework for once or if your just regularly doing it, but you keep having to poop, and so nothing gets done.
Teacher: Where's your homework

Billy: I really tried to do it Mrs. P, but I just couldn't stop procrastapooping

Teacher: Excuses, excuses
by Urban yahtzee March 16, 2015
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The act of pooping to put off work.
The act of/or pretending to poop at work to use your phone.

The act of guys peeing sitting down to use there phone at work.
Boss-John where have you been???

John-Sorry I was procrastapoopjng

Tom- How are you texting me at work

Jack- Dude it's all about that Procrastapooping

Poop poopjngpoopjokesprocrastinationprocrastapoopingprocrastapoopwork
by Wisewordsofjessie June 15, 2015
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