something that people should shut the fuck up about and just let the unborn babies die if someone doesn't want a kid then don't have to have the little shit
by COME AT ME BITCHES March 13, 2017
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A 50 year-old white male that takes away women's rights because he has nothing good left to contribute to this world
Pro-life people are using fetuses as an excuse to take away women's rights and after that they don't even care for the babys
by someuser12223 July 3, 2022
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In the most non biased way I can say it:
A term, generally used to describe the views preserving life,although most commonly used for those against abortion.

Pro Lifers usually believe that
- Abortion is Wrong
- Euthanasia is Wrong
- The Death Penalty is wrong
- Everyone has the right to life

Going unbiased:
No we are not anti-woman or sexist in any way. We just belief everyone has the right to life.
I believe that all life is good, and should be respected. I am Pro Life.
by ValkyrieMissileX April 27, 2008
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Pro-life is a word used by many religiously affiliated groups to shame women who have had abortions, may need an abortion in the future, use birth control and the morning after pill. Pro-lifers enjoy protesting at abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood. Many pro-lifers believe that a fetus of rape or incest should be carried to term. Denying a woman her right to an abortion if she was a victim of rape or incest is undeniably cruel, seeing as those victims are often embarrassed to report the crime, suffer from sexual insecurity, and often require years of counseling to make them feel whole again. Without an abortion, those women would be forced to carry a reminder of their rape around for nine months. Also, people who would try to take away abortions, especially in low-income areas, don't have support systems in place for young and disadvantaged mothers. Children are EXPENSIVE. Many people cannot afford children. Also, there are seven billion people on earth. We should be reducing the number of children born, not increasing it. This is why birth control and the morning after pill are completely necessary.
Person 1: You can't have an abortion.
Person 2 (pregnant by rape 12 year old): But, I emotionally and physically am not able to carry this fetus to term. I could die easily in childbirth. I don't want to die. If I don't get an abortion, I'll have to drop out of school.
Person 1: Well, God wanted you to have this baby. That's why you're pregnant. Getting an abortion isn't pro-life.
by Peoplearedumb July 1, 2013
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A political stance in which protects the human rights of a undeveloped human, but apparentley the feelings of the woman who was raped didn't matter.
"My sister was raped but due to the Pro Life laws, She was forced to have a kid she didn't want."
by Doeboy July 2, 2007
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Pro-Life is the term conservatives use to make it seem like those who disagree with them are "Pro-Death" or "Baby killers" and to draw attention away from the fact that most of them support the death penalty and wars for profit.
I'm Pro-Life so I killed a guy who worked at an abortion clinic.
by Incarnadine June 14, 2006
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"An Evil Fuck"?
"An Annoying Idiot"?
Pro-life evangelical Christian group bomb an abortion clinic while saying that every life is
by artisresistance March 8, 2009
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