When people who don't smoke pot decide to stop hanging out with people who do smoke pot for the sole reason that pot is being smoked. The people being judged and avoided (often unfairly) are potcasted.
Damn, I can't believe that I've been potcasted from the Johnson's just because I smoked a fatty in their garage at the birthday party. Pfft.
by dmonet November 5, 2007
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When you broadcast your weed use to the greater public, showing it off or talking loudly about your sweet, sweet reefer.
Mary: Damnnn look how dank this bud is!

Jane: Whatcha doing Mary, we're in church..
Mary: Potcasting
by Sassafrasss April 17, 2015
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A podcast done by potheads. As in the Potcast by Elon Musk with Rogan moderating...
Elon Musk ranted on the shape of the future on his recent potcast with the standup comedian Rogan
by statinguard September 8, 2018
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