Private News Network
Rumors amongst U.S Army privates. The PNN is usually about scheduled training, who has drugs, he-said-she-said type of deal, not unlike gossip in high school. The PNN is often unreliable, but sometimes you can get really good information from it.
1. "Hey, Private Rambo heard the Drill Sergeant talking about a surprise 1:30a.m room inspection!"

2. "I heard form the PNN that we won't be able to go home this weekend because some people have extra duty."
by nihonjin _dewanai January 13, 2008
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PNN is "Passive, Numb, and Neutered" reflects the sheep-like state of mind often found in large companies where individuals are simply biding their time and have learned to NOT swim upstream or question authority, it's better to be PNN to keep yo' job.
"I'm quitting this management position as I don't make a difference here, everyone is PNN'd, and I need more out of my career".
by Drea Jean September 8, 2010
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Acronym for Post-Nut-Nap, referring to briefly sleeping after sex to recover. Also commonly known as one of the best naps. Mostly enjoyed by men. Can last from 20 minutes to an hour.
*After sex*
“That was great sex. Now time for PNN
by tweedrat June 20, 2020
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Predator News Now (PNN) is basically the TMZ of the predator catching community and reports updated and most relevant information in the world of exposing online child predators . It's the MVP of internet podcast.
"Predator News Now (PNN) is mos def the Most Valuable Podcast on the internet. 💜
by 🌴Koopa High🌴 January 10, 2022
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A state in which one falls asleep after ejaculating.

Symptoms include:
Feeling tired/ worn out after fapping
Falling asleep after fapping
"Hey, you're late!"
"Sorry I had a Post Nut Nap (PNN)"
by Your nan and her cat April 28, 2022
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