a gay man who has never even kissed a girl and was born by Caesarean Section, thereby never having had any contact with a vagina
He was a naturally-born Platinum gay.
by fishsauce December 10, 2013
by HAUGHT_DAMN October 18, 2018
A homosexual man who not only has not had any contact with a vagina (Golden Gay), but was also born from a c-section, thereby having no contact whatsoever with a vagina in his life.
by Kattaka October 27, 2021
A term used by gay people that have never been with the opposite sex. Normally used to demean others because it makes the person feel better. They never questioned their sexuality so they’re better than people who have.
Often times the result of prior abuse.
(Harsh truth 🤷🏻 ♀️)
Often times the result of prior abuse.
(Harsh truth 🤷🏻 ♀️)
by Most People Smell September 25, 2018
He was a naturally-born Platinum Star Gay.
by Skarrj May 19, 2014
A gay man who has never been with a woman and was born via C-SECTION. Therefore he has never been inside a vagina. Originated from the revival of "Will and Grace" in 2017.
by ToniCline1 December 18, 2018
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