What every man should do if their toilet is clogged after they have taken a massive dump. Basically using your sink as a urinal.
James: Dude your toilet is clogged, and I gotta take piss!
Kyle: Haha sorry bro I just took a huge dump, just piss in the sink
Kyle: Haha sorry bro I just took a huge dump, just piss in the sink
by bbrandon November 28, 2008
this is the thing that would most offend a ghetto person that has been brought up with a ghetto mentallity.
man 1: hey guesse what i did a piss in your sink
man2: you little bitch
man1: and your girl lapped it up
man 2:*pulling out the shotty* bang
man2: you little bitch
man1: and your girl lapped it up
man 2:*pulling out the shotty* bang
by hellopele June 25, 2009
by M’bruh momentum July 14, 2019
The skillful art of sinking a turd which is floating in the crapper. Generally, heavy beer drinkers have been known to excel in this craft. This is due to their massive urine flow which greatly contributes to the destruction of the Stinkable Molly Brown. Not all heavy beer drinkers can master this fine art, as ninety-eight percent of heavy beer drinkers cannot maintain the concentration needed to effectively aim.
Being able to drink un-humanly amounts of lager, pilsner and stout, Arneson was internationally know for his ability to piss sink the biggest Stinkable Molly Brown.
I can think of only one time that he couldn't piss sink a turd. But then again, it was a Jungle Green which resembled a lilly pad and not a Stinkable Molly Brown.
I can think of only one time that he couldn't piss sink a turd. But then again, it was a Jungle Green which resembled a lilly pad and not a Stinkable Molly Brown.
by NCKnobster March 28, 2011