The woman, among a group of women, whose period cycle controls the synchronicity of the menses cycles of the other women. Mainly occurs when women live together.
Hey, who does she think she is? The period queen?
by woon January 8, 2011
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Used as an alternative for Ok or Alright Period pussy queen describes the fast pace of life making its term lively and fun to say often used as PPQ or ppq for abbreviated slang
“Hey sluts guess what just happend”- x
“I was just gangbanged by some black homies on the corner of 6th and 3rd by melrosè deli”- x
“Oh period pussy queen”-Sluts
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"SLAY QUEEN PERIOD" Is something a Guy named Sebastian would say, like "Slay queen period" whenever someone spat them facts out, or just being a weirdo in General? -Perhaps being the girly person that he is-
Girl: "Ewww you see that Guy over there, he's Disgusting" Sebastian: Slay queen Period.
by Slay queen Period October 15, 2022
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"Slay queen period" is a Word the slayful person Sebastian would say! He would say it all the time, like literally all the time. He would use to gossip, fight and talk behind peoples backs when ever somebody said something bad about a person He didn't like.
Person: "Ewww that Guy stinks"

by Slay queen Period October 16, 2022
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