A phone service with several rooms where people from all over the country can talk..have phone sex..and lie about who they are and what they look like. Most callers have no job, life or real friends.
by twinkielover August 14, 2006
Telephone Chat Line that can be accessed by the general public. Seldomly the callers aren't fat or nasty.
by d3adr0ck March 25, 2003
A despicable human being that frequents the old Jackie 2000 or Mama Raven phone/chat lines in Syracuse NY. The female versions are usually MUCH younger than they tell you and the males are usually MUCH older than they state.
The majority of the partyliner males are in their 40's and are looking to hookup with young chicks. Many of them live in their mother's basement. Nearly all have no job.
The majority of partyliner girls are 12-15 years of age and at least slightly overweight. Many are looking for an older guy to get the drunk or stoned.
The partyliner is a perfect match for itself since all old partyliner males want a young partyliner female. Then thye get caught doing them in the woods and go to jail and live even further off our taxpayer money!!
The majority of the partyliner males are in their 40's and are looking to hookup with young chicks. Many of them live in their mother's basement. Nearly all have no job.
The majority of partyliner girls are 12-15 years of age and at least slightly overweight. Many are looking for an older guy to get the drunk or stoned.
The partyliner is a perfect match for itself since all old partyliner males want a young partyliner female. Then thye get caught doing them in the woods and go to jail and live even further off our taxpayer money!!
Bob: Hey who is this?
Karen: My name is BootyBooBoo
Bob: How old are you?
Karen :20, u?
Bob: I am 20 too. what a coincidence! Wanna Hook up?
Karen: No way! I am really only 12 and I am smart enough to know you are a partyliner!
Karen: My name is BootyBooBoo
Bob: How old are you?
Karen :20, u?
Bob: I am 20 too. what a coincidence! Wanna Hook up?
Karen: No way! I am really only 12 and I am smart enough to know you are a partyliner!
by DudeWayCool April 26, 2010
When someone shares the same plane of movement with you in a paralell manner, usually very annoying. Happens mostly while driving, when one drives next to you, speeding up as you speed up and slowing down when you slow down, preventing you from changing lanes. Also happens while walking down the street, waiting in line, or jogging somewhere populated.
I was gonna get off at the last exit but that motherfucker in Tauras kept partylining me so I couldn't get over.
Hey I think that guy in the blue shorts has something for me. Everytime I get up to run a lap he keeps catching up and partylining me. It's really uncomfortable!
Hey I think that guy in the blue shorts has something for me. Everytime I get up to run a lap he keeps catching up and partylining me. It's really uncomfortable!
by Stytches June 3, 2005
A method of harassment or group stalking using phone communications to keep tabs on an individual and to also trigger the individual to let them know they are being watched
by out_running_erins_ March 15, 2020