1. An attempt to appease to a group of people for financial gain while still simultaneously portraying that group of people in a negative, or unfavourable light. Usually playing on racist stereotypical tropes, or keeping up with racist/bigotted media trends aimed at creating or sustaining a negative or unfavourable image of the targeted group of people.

2. Attacking a group of people's image under the guise of progressiveness.
Example of backhand pandering is placing black women in lead roles for movies to pander to them for money, yet this lead black female character adheres to negative racist stereotypes that portray black women in an unfavourable light.
by New age definitions December 25, 2019
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Someone who says or does things so that others will like them. Will contradict their own beliefs or values just to be liked by someone who doesn’t deserve the time of day.
Chipreiderson is a pandering clown.
by RealPapaEagle September 11, 2022
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"My sentence was for carnal knowledge and abuse, reduced from pandering, because you can't pander from anything except a whore ..." (Pimp; The Story Of My Life - by Iceberg Slim - Ch.2 Pg.27)
by Stan Lee "Bookie" Williams September 22, 2021
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