Oh Crap I Died- often said in video games like Minecraft or Slenderman
I'm gonna get some of this... OCID!
by bmxfalcon September 17, 2014
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when a girl named Jenn comes to a party and everyone else leaves
Dude, when Jenn showed up, there was a jenn-ocide, and now everyone's gone
by GXi Skulls July 30, 2009
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When you feel the need to forward a just received joke, picture or video to your friends (not to the sender, of course). To be unable to keep the received medium just for you.
Common similar activities called Obsessive Compulsive Disorders or OCDs include hand washing, counting of things, and checking to see if a door is locked.
This Christmas joke card is so great. It fits perfectly to John: Sent!

Oh dear, you suffer from CID, that social media disorder. The full technical term is Obsessive-Compulsive Instagram Disorder (OCID). Or just CID.
Oh, you are a wise guy.
by ThePhysopher December 22, 2018
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