Head, Brain, Top, Hat, Uck, Ucky, BJ. Term Invented By A.M (410).
"Girl tried to off her skirt clearly she lost her mind, Bitch I want Noddy said it like a hundred times" -AtotheM 41Circle
by Y.BrixtonFrog February 13, 2017
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UK based slang, inspired by the cartoon character ‘Noddy’ due to the resemblance in rapid back and forth head movements.

Often used as a polite way of telling people that you received head, but can also be used as a polite way of requesting head.
Tom got the maddest Noddy last night!

He asked her for Noddy and she said no!
by Lord Andreas II July 8, 2021
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Noddy a person in management who is a yes man or woman who climbed a company management ladder not using there own merit but by brown noising members of management at the cost of loosing there colleagues respect.
Just another Noddy.
Noddy is a yes man/woman.
by The Urban Wavemaster July 12, 2019
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1. A simpleton. A stupid, silly or foolish person.
Speaker #1: "When I dream, why don't I need my glasses?"
Speaker #2: "Dude, don't be such a fuckin noddy"
by Delboy007 August 16, 2007
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He went on and on about Internet Explorer in a noddy
by MrT&J September 8, 2010
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N. UK slang referring to a retarded person, especially a Mongoloid idiot (i.e., someone with Down syndrome) grinning inappropriately and nodding their head while babbling incoherently. Commonly used as an insult.
"You don't want trouble, you shouldn't let them fuckin' noddies in here!" (noddies, plural of noddy)-- John Constantine, Hellblazer Vol. 2: The Devil You Know (New Edition), publ 2012
by Honeyko October 9, 2019
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