Congrats, you broke the internet.
by Backwoods~Badass November 14, 2014
by Swago1200 January 16, 2019
your bored as fuck
Guy 1: I am going to search the definition of definition of definition of definition of definition of definition of definition of definition of definition of definition of definition of definition of definition of definition of definition of definition.
Guy 2: you have extreme depression and anxiety, see a doctor or therapist.
Guy 2: you have extreme depression and anxiety, see a doctor or therapist.
by May 11, 2021
Seriously? Your wasting your time typing this out. There isn't any definition of definition of definition of definition of definition by the way, so don't waste 10 seconds of your life typing that out.
Person 1: What's the definition of definition of definition of definition?
Person 2: The definition of definition of definition of definition is a long sentence that you say and/or type out to waste your fucking time.
Person 2: The definition of definition of definition of definition is a long sentence that you say and/or type out to waste your fucking time.
by nathanbryan23 April 29, 2021
Defintion of Definition of Definition: a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary, which is a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary, and is also the statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary.
Sandra: I don't know the definition of definition of definition
Joe: It's simple (Insert definition of definition of definition here)
Joe: It's simple (Insert definition of definition of definition here)
by roq_k September 18, 2020
Get the the definition of definition mug.
by Wabbit boi April 9, 2019