Something to do with Adalberto Mondesi's 2019 MVP campaign
"Bro, have you seen Elvis Andrus this season?"

"Oak tag, dude. Can't believe Royals are going to win it all."
by TheSaviors2019 March 15, 2019
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A graffiti term for when you write your tag in one area so much like spam.
"I spam tagged a wall in an attempt to get up"
by Jesse1997 May 3, 2016
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it’s open for inturpretaion. however the basic gist is being hella cool and edgy. a term used by skateboarders.
oi man, i just smoked the phattest spliff
“ayyyyyyyyyy that shred tags”
by sid_from_skins April 28, 2018
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A term used by law enforcement during the 80's and early 90's. It referred to striking a perp with their flashlight. The brand of flashlight used by the majority of law enforcement departments was the MAG-LITE. The model was a specific police issued variant of the, "MAG-LITE 5 cell D flashlight". Many officers found it quicker to retrieve the flashlight from their utility belt than the night stick because of how many of the utility belts were designed.

Besides the slang term that came about, the flashlight was also very effective for smashing out windows if the situation called for it. It also performed well as a flashlight....
Did you hear about the close call Deputy Big Mclargehuge had last night? A suspect produced a concealed knife he had on him and tried to stab Mclargehuge. Jumping out of the way Mclargehuge struck the suspect with his flashlight while repeating to STOP RESISTING Soon the suspect was in custody. Wow, Mclargehuge really is the best at mag-tag.
by JoesGLI August 18, 2016
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when you and your homie are playing tag with you cock and to tag them you have to fuck them in the ass
look at johnathan and aaron playing cock tag
by Evan Roten December 6, 2019
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when you match with someone on tinder multiple times without meeting
josh: we played tinder tag for awhile before we actually went on a date
jesse: how many times did you match?
josh: like 3 times, i guess third time’s the charm
by MamaGanja May 15, 2022
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To use a massive pile of unrelated hashtags on a post to boost engagement and traffic.
That brand always tag bombs all there posts
by 1nd_Frindle October 18, 2021
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