Last night I drank a gallon of whiskey and I was more fucked up than a niggers-checkbook.
by BallsMahoney75 February 28, 2019
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1. a ledger to a bank checking account that is constantly in a state of complete disarray due to overspending on bling, pimp hats and bottles of 40 oz malt liquor. It also can result from being unemployed for extended periods of time while continuing to buy ho's and such.

2. being so intoxicated that you have no idea who you are.
Pete: McCoy, your drunk again.
McCoy: Yeah, I'm fucked up like a nigger checkbook.

You bounced another check to me. You better get a CPA to fix that nigger checkbook of yours.

by Plasty September 15, 2006
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1. A term used to describe a state of intoxication (either by alcohol or someother substance)
2. All fucked up
After I leave the bar, I'm gonna be nigger's checkbook.

We smoked so much dope, I was nigger's checkbook.
by snake801 August 17, 2005
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