Neo Nazi's are people who hold the beliefs and values of Nazi's in Germany during the Third Reich/Nazi Germany back in 1933-1945. But anyone who is not German or who is especially an American is a complete moron if they say they are a Neo Nazi. Hitler was the enemy of the Americans. We lost many men on our side because of him and the Nazis. Obviously Neo Nazi's do not know anything about World War 2. Eisenhower ,our leader was shocked and cried at the sight of the death camps and made sure it got to the public and had memorials designed to remember the Holocaust victims and we blew up Many statues with the Nazi symbol (swastika) on it. So therefore any American who claims to be Nazi is a traitor and in dire need of a history lesson.
Hey man I am a Neo Nazi now!( His Friend then says): You idiot we fought the Nazis and millions of people on our side died because of the Nazis and Hitler. If you lived back then, then you were at war fighting against the Nazis you stupid idiot.
by Starr James June 25, 2009
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A group of retarded white people who fight for the cause of being white and ignorant without any other reason besides "whites are a superior race" and "we love butt sex", otherwise known as douche bags.
Kevin: Yo Pete, look at that guy across the street with the shaved head and his shirt off displaying a swastika tattoo! I think he's a Neo Nazi!

Pete: Nah Kevin, that's just a bald Douche Bag.
by RepetitiveDick November 8, 2009
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A person who acts like a nazi in the current times!
by gman0123 June 2, 2004
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The lowest form of human being possible.
Neo Nazi: "We're cleaning up."
by Get in my van September 3, 2010
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Horrible bastards who have no right to disrespect humanity the way they do.
Neo-Nazis will all go to hell.
by neonazisareinhumane August 10, 2012
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a bunch of faggot loving incests
hey who's the dude with a black dick up his ass?
oh that's just some neo nazi
by tbaggingurmom June 26, 2010
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Neo Nazi Neo:New,as in akira with Neo tokyo (new Tokyo).Nazi one who believes the aryan race is supperior.
see jim there he wears white laces and shaves hishead i think he is a neo nazi
by Armyofgod February 16, 2005
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