"Bill, I'm waiting..."
"Ummm, he's dead?"
"So what you're telling me is Napoleon was a short, dead dude."
"Well yeah."
"Ummm, he's dead?"
"So what you're telling me is Napoleon was a short, dead dude."
"Well yeah."
by Ted "Theodore" Logan October 6, 2011
by hotshotshooter April 6, 2011
Proabably the sweetest charachter ever. He has nunchucks skills, bowhunting skills and is pretty good at drawing animals and warriors and stuff. Hes also pretty good with a bowstaf.
deb: and here we have some boondaggle keychains a must have for the seasons fashion
Napoleon: i already made like infinity of those at scout camp
Napoleon: i already made like infinity of those at scout camp
by Ben Spector March 8, 2005
(referencing the negative traits of Napoleon Bonaparte the historical character): an offensive term for a short, corpulent and arrogant person
by Sexydimma November 22, 2017
What you call a young person who acts like "god I hate my parents!" "life sucks I want to kill myself!!!!" etc. Taken from the movie Napoleon Dynamite. Popular among SoCal beach kids.
Kid A: I hate my parents! Why can't they just die already!!!!!
Kid B: Dude, quit being a Napoleon. Your parents are rad!
Kid B: Dude, quit being a Napoleon. Your parents are rad!
by Numair August 13, 2004
Also known as little man syndrome or lms. When a small guy tries to be tough because he's shorter than average or small of stature. (Taken from the name Napoleon, who was just a few inches over 5 feet tall and tended to blow people up and start wars.) See Napoleonic War.
Rick had a case of napoleonism beacuse he was only 5'5". He didn't need to be so tough, 'cause he was a great and kind friend who would do anything for you. Unfortunately, people still look down upon short people, and he took this personally.
by Shmouse May 24, 2005