by AmerikcanCheezy May 23, 2010
A slang combination of words that means "or not". It is usually following the clicking sound of a tounge, and is also mainly used to piss people off.
Example one;
"If she still says 'or nahh' she's too young for you bro."
Example two;
"You gonna eat that...*click* or nahh?!"
"If she still says 'or nahh' she's too young for you bro."
Example two;
"You gonna eat that...*click* or nahh?!"
by dieselbae420 June 23, 2014
A term used with a thrusting out ward hand gesture used to mean that something is bad, something you dont like, when getting owned in sports, video games etc. Or when saying a girl is ugly
Guy: dude that bitch asked me to the dance.....
friend: whatd u say?
guy: are u kidding? I gave that hoe the "nahh"
friend: whatd u say?
guy: are u kidding? I gave that hoe the "nahh"
by Zoat March 13, 2008
Friend "yo whats up bro?"
You "nothin much b."
Friend "you go hit those gnar waves yesterday?"
You "Nahh B. I had to work."
You "nothin much b."
Friend "you go hit those gnar waves yesterday?"
You "Nahh B. I had to work."
by shredder bra July 29, 2010
by ShortE && Lil A $ick August 20, 2008
by Young Soso June 9, 2020
He is a sheehan nahh!
by marchi nah October 4, 2006